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Bill Goss, MBA
About Bill Goss
After graduating high school in New Jersey, Bill parked cars at Yankee Stadium in New York City and worked as garbage man for a spell before being able to afford to buy an old Volvo for 80 bucks. Bill then drove that old wreck of a car 2700 miles to a new job as a underground dynamiter in a Arizona copper mine, where he worked to pay for his college education as a student at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
But ever since he was nine years old, Bill always had a dream.
A dream to travel a lot faster than the garbage truck he rode the back of each morning as it went flying around the streets of Millburn-Short Hills, New Jersey --- and a whole lot faster than the elevator that dropped him 5000' underneath the Arizona Desert.
A dream to go a whole lot faster --- faster than even the speed of sound --- just like his hero Chuck Yeager did a few years before Bill was born.
Okay --- you might have guessed it --- 20 years later --- at the controls of a dual seat F-18 --- Bill Goss went on to fulfill that dream by blasting through the sound barrier off the coast of Florida.
And you might have even guessed he would earn enough money as a garbage man, an underground dynamiter and a Navy underwater explosives expert to start college, continue on to an MBA and even attend the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program in Boston.
But rest assured, you will never guess the other things that happened to Bill Goss --- so many other things --- that earned him the unique nicknames of "Mr. Lucky" from The London Sun and "The Unconventional Wisdom Winner" from The Washington Post.
Years ago Bill wrote a book called The Luckiest Unlucky Man Alive.
It received favorable reviews in the Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The Seattle Times, The Detroit News, The New Jersey Star Ledger, The Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Examiner, The Dallas-Fort Worth Star Telegram, Florida Today, The Daily Word, The Las Vegas Review Journal, The Chattanooga Times, The St. Petersburg Times, The Florida Times Union, Maxim Magazine, The London Sun and countless other national and international publications.
Since then Bill Goss has been a featured guest on hundreds of popular radio and television shows around the world including The Discovery Channel's Animal Planet, EXTRA, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Ted Nugent Radio in Detroit and Rick Dees in Los Angeles. He even worked with actress Demi Moore as an extra in the movie GI Jane and was in five other feature films too.
And he's the only man alive to have successfully survived a live interview on both The Howard Stern Show AND The 700 Club.
Now that's not only adversity - that's diversity.
As a speaker, Bill Goss's upbeat, inspiring and sometimes hilarious message on how to overcome great challenges and adversity appeals to an wide-ranging audience. These audiences have included the people of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Israel, Australia, China and Japan, as well in the United States and Canada.
As he shares with you his personal lessons from the School of Hard Knocks --- and we've all attended that school at one time or another --- you are certain to be entertained, educated, and feel more motivated and inspired than you have in a long time.
Because Bill Goss inspires you to never quit, no matter how bad things might look for you at the moment.
To never quit, because things are guaranteed to get better for you if you just keep bouncing forward by simply believing in yourself.
If you believe you are lucky --- you are lucky.
And if you believe you are unlucky --- you are unlucky.
It doesn't matter what other people think of you.
All that matters is what YOU think of YOU.
And this isn't theory for Bill Goss --- it's the story of his life.
A dynamic and popular speaker on change, resilience, Post-Traumatic Growth, and personal fulfillment, Bill Goss is also a contributing author to the #1 New York Times bestseller, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE PET LOVER'S SOUL (He wrote the chapter titled "There's a Squirrel In My Coffee" on page 140); as well as many other books including RUDY AND FRIENDS, IN PURSUIT OF SUCCESS, CANCER COMBAT, THE WONDERFUL THING ABOUT PETS, DAILY WORD FOR HEALING and EARTH ANGELS.
Bill Goss live radio interview with Howard Stern
Bill Goss Teaches Blind Woman Self-Defense: Florida Times-Union and here's another Florida Times-Union article on Bill: Florida Times-Union